
How To Make Black Desert Online Download Faster Updated

How To Make Black Desert Online Download Faster


two May, 2018 @ v:52am

If your PC'southward been on for a long fourth dimension the resource could be low, then restarting your PC and power cycling your modem could set the slow speed.

You can as well endeavor clearing the Steam Download Cache and encounter if that works, as it has worked for me when certain downloads were going slower than usual.


ii May, 2018 @ 6:26am

I've tried dns flush, irresolute download location, restarting, and now power cycling... annnnd it seems fifty-fifty worse than before. ._.


ii May, 2018 @ 6:31am

And its gone back to 0%...?


2 May, 2018 @ 6:33am

Gah! I promise information technology'south not malware or anything of the sort or related. Run a scan my friend. Could besides be your ISP, if you haven't already isolated the trouble by testing your connection speeds.


two May, 2018 @ vii:12am

Connexion speed is fine atm; I merely downloaded the full game a couple days ago and information technology was downloading at a much faster rate than this small patch. And so confused.


two May, 2018 @ vii:49am

Glad to hear it was but temporary, merely as to the cause, it could have been a number of things, likewise many to listing, heh.

At whatever rate, promise you enjoy the game!


2 May, 2018 @ 7:51am

Oh errrr... no its still not fixed, not even one-half-way atm. ^^;


2 May, 2018 @ 8:15am

Oh, apologies, I read your post wrong.

Accept you run the game before? You said you lot've only got the game. Tin can you endeavor immigration the Steam Enshroud? You haven't mentioned trying it notwithstanding.

The other possibility is that the drive is corrupt, I know you said yous tried a dissimilar location, but did you lot attempt downloading it to a different bulldoze?


2 May, 2018 @ 8:18am

Yeah I've played the game already with no issues; its but this ridiculous download speed for the patch. I hope non all patches will exist this slow.


2 May, 2018 @ viii:28am

Originally posted by Wyvern :

Yes I've played the game already with no problems; its just this ridiculous download speed for the patch. I promise not all patches will be this slow.

Nah, the patches are not that slow in the usual circumstances.

Endeavour immigration your Steam's Download Cache, y'all should still have the game'south downloaded Patch resume the download after clearing it.


2 May, 2018 @ viii:37am

It randomly decided to consummate itself after getting to (I think) 40%... ._. I... errrr... actually have no idea what merely happened. XD I recollect Steam itself was being weird. Thanks for all the tips though!


2 May, 2018 @ eight:46am

Ah, not a problem, and it's good to hear it'southward washed - but yeah, Steam being Steam. Hahah. : p

Bodily download speed is different than what launcher shows. Check your Task Manager for that.
My download speed used to get lower past 0.01 MB/s every few seconds until it reach around 0.3 MB/s. After a while download would stop with an error and launcher would shut after confirming message window.

Launcher log file showed that it throws an error on newly created file (update file) in game root binder. I though it might have something to do with system permissions.
So I granted permissions for "Everybody" on game root folder.

Surprisingly it also stock-still speed problem.

P.S. Also there was strange beliefs of game downloading faster and longer with VPN when not routed through my own country. Merely in the terminate information technology would end up with aforementioned problem.

Terminal edited past redeu pandeu; 11 Mar, 2020 @ 4:23am

How To Make Black Desert Online Download Faster

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